This is one of the oldest and most popular models of marketing communications.This hierarchical model was first proposed by St. Elmo Lewis in 1900 for personal selling with stages: attract attention,maintain interest,create desire and get the consumer to act.In 1911,Arthur Fredrick Sheldon revised the model by changing the first step to 'favourable attention' and adding a fifth step ,'permanent satisfaction'.The revised model was called AIDAS -favourable Attention,Interest,Desire,Action and permanent Satisfaction.The various stages in the buying process of the AIDAS model are:
1) ATTENTION: To get the attention of the target customer.
2) INTEREST: To create interest in the product by giving product information(or special features) and how it can help satisfy the needs and wants of the individual.
3) OUTCOME: Whether the potential buyer develops a favourable or unfavourable opinionabout the product.
4) DESIRE: Create a desire in the customer to possess the product.This is done by emphasizing the benefits of the product and how it will satisfy the needs and wants.
5) ACTION: Demand action from the customer i.e. convince them to make a purchase.A simple method to get action from the customer is to provide a toll free number or contact person for more information.
6) SATISFACTION: The customer is satisfied after the purchase.
EXAMPLE: Air Deccan used this model of marketing communication successsfully in it's marketing campaign.